I recently came upon a post that summed up perfectly the plight of The Unfortunate People Who Have a December Birthday. Things like how difficult it is to celebrate because everyone is busy or traveling for Christmas. How everyone is too broke to buy you a gift. How you constantly get told "It must suck to have [...]
Living in California & having relatives back in the Midwest, I've traveled for either Thanksgiving or Christmas for over 30 years. There's nothing I dread more than flying during the peak of holiday travel. Delayed & overbooked flights along with recirculated airplane air that inevitably leads to my annual Christmas cold...who signed me up for [...]
My husband and I have a fun tradition we started on our first anniversary. We keep a journal where we document what happened over the past year - like if one of us got a new job or took up a new hobby - as well as where we live, what cars we drive, where [...]
It's been harder and harder to wake up in the mornings since it's not as light out when the alarm goes off. I've also noticed it feels like bedtime a lot early than usual since it's been getting dark earlier. And this upcoming weekend it's gonna get worse.One thing I love about this time of [...]
Earlier this year my husband and I decided to watch an old movie we hadn't seen in awhile - Back to the Future. It's always fun to re-watch movies you loved as a kid. 80's movies are especially great because of the wild clothing and hair styles. We really got a kick out of the [...]
Who do you wear the pink ribbon for? For yourself, as a reminder that life is a precious gift? For your co-worker who needs encouragement in the midst of her breast cancer battle? For your sister who beat it? For your mother who didn't?We all have a story to share, so let's share it! Wear [...]
Within the past year, I've had the pleasure of sharing in excitement with 5 friends who got engaged. Wow that's a lot of bling on a lot of fingers! Before I ask about a potential wedding date and venue, I always get the full scoop on how the engagement went down and start brain-storming engagement [...]
Have you ever worked with someone for over a year but never realized you shared a hobby or passion? Maybe you both love dogs, photography or country music concerts. Maybe you both have a ridiculous obsession with Starbuck's coffee (oh, wait a minute, isn't that all of us?). My point is, sometimes we get so [...]
The day I realized a purse hook was a necessity (and not just a fun accessory) was just last year after I got the cutest new handbag. The very first day I used it I happened to stop at a fast food restaurant to grab a bite to eat. Without a second thought, I plopped my darling [...]
Love is definitely in the air this year. I've never been to so many weddings and I'm beyond excited for each one. There's nothing more fun than celebrating with the Bride through each phase. I love to get her a cool keepsake engagement gift right away. Then, I get her something personalized for her shower that [...]