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Night Lights for End of Daylight Savings Time

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It's been harder and harder to wake up in the mornings since it's not as light out when the alarm goes off. I've also noticed it feels like bedtime a lot early than usual since it's been getting dark earlier. And this upcoming weekend it's gonna get worse.

One thing I love about this time of year is night-light lit bubble baths. Well, I used to....before the drought. But, I still love the glow a night light put off in my home and I use them all throughout my house. They're especially helpful when you return home after work or after running errands and your house is pitch-black.

Place an automatic night light in your entryway, mudroom or kitchen and it makes coming out much easier - no more fumbling around in the dark tripping over the dog.

Check out Kyle's decorative night lights and find one for your home! And don't forget to change your clocks when you go to bed Saturday night - daylight saving time ends Sunday, November 1, 2015.

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